Today at church I was reading prayer requests and as I was getting to the bottom of the requests. I saw for God's healing and strength for James, lil man, and his mom, DESY Garcia, who recently discover he has a tumor. Wow.  Tears just came down. You just don't know how hard it been for my family and I. Everyday I pray and every chance I get so if it's 5x day I'm praying, so be it.  Anyway, I want to say thank you for this.  Really touched my heart.

Desy |
Regular Attender

Had Trouble Leaving

Visited Bridgeway this Sunday and had trouble leaving. The people were so warm and welcoming, the love of God was very evident and the pastors message was relevant.

Matt |

I enjoy everyday of my life since I started going to Bridgeway... it's a great place to start a new beginning.  So many wonderful friends. Great service.

Nancy |

I love this church

I love this church, because there is discipleland for the young children. They are very generous and caring and offer refreshments after service. I also really enjoy the choir and their choices of songs especially "Savior he can move a mountain, mighty to save."

Robyn |